PIVOTAL SLICE: on writing & composing

Representing Trans Stories with Miles Borrero

Jade Green & David Mackenzie

Jade chats to writer and yoga teacher Miles Borrero about publishing his memoir Beautiful Monster: A Becoming, and the importance of seeing positive trans stories in media and literature.

Throughout his many lives, Miles Borrero has survived fronting a Latin rock band, riding horses competitively, acting on various stages across the US, and nannying a six-year-old. He has been Catholic, Jewish, and a frequent guest at Krishna’s house, and has lived life as a boy, a girl, a woman, a man, and something in between. Now a senior yoga teacher who leads retreats and trainings all over the world, Miles is passionate about dismantling the systems within ourselves that keep us small. He lives in New York with his sweetheart and their two adorable dogs.

Find all of Mile's offerings, including yoga, here. Or order the hardcover, ebook or audio of Beautiful Monster: A Becoming here

Music and production by David Mackenzie


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